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All Posts Tagged: Licensed midwife

A Day in the Life with DFW Midwife Collective…with a twist!

About to have a baby on Chisholm Trail Tollway!


Have we got a story for you. These two ladies wrapped up our 2020 year in the only way you could imagine 2020 ending for midwives- crazy!! This mom’s water broke at 2am Sunday morning. After two days of trying everything to get labor started, and 10 hours of our birth team at her home all day yesterday, we all decided to go to our friends at Cleburne Harris to have them get labor going. When we decided to go to the hospital, she was at about 40 hours of her water being broken, tried strong red raspberry leaf tea, castor oil, breast pump, toilet sitting, lunges, stair climbing, brisk walks, curb walking, figure 8 on ball… I mean, all the things. When we left for the hospital not much was happening. Never in a million years would we expect what happened next. About 40 minutes into the drive, her husband called Midwife Susan, who had been following behind (rather far behind due to a certain car driving so slow), and said she needed to push… PUSH!!! From sporadic, moderate contractions to PUSHING in 40 minutes (bless those car rides). Susan was able to reach them quickly, already gloved with chux pads- she ran to their car. On the side of the highway, y’all. Fast forward another 10 minutes- we had a baby on Chisholm Tollway.

The “I DID IT”! look and pure happiness.

Student Midwife Whitney arrived not long after, as Midwife Susan was working on baby, and jumped in to help. Not long after a fireman arrived to look on with the trooper who had also arrived- all telling us how great we were doing, lol. Next, two EMTs and then Midwife Amanda. Everyone stayed to make sure we were all good. One EMT said it was his first birth call. ❤️ The EMTs offered any and all supplies, towels, blankets. Thankfully, because dad’s sweatshirt had already been used and Midwife Susan’s cardigan was currently keeping baby warm. Once placenta was delivered, dad cut cord, both mom and baby were stable, and the fireman and EMT left- we were ready to get somewhere more warm and comfortable. With the State Trooper’s blessing, and help, we did a caravan to Susan’s home a few minutes away, for postpartum recovery. Amanda made mom some late night breakfast, and mom and baby got their herbal bath. After exams, they were both dressed and ready to head home. This mom came to us in late pregnancy wanting an out of hospital birth. And not only that, a VBAC. We have loved having her in care and while this was NOT apart of the plan, watching her birth her VBAC baby with EASE was the perfect ending to our year (we are off call for the holidays!). She was strong, calm, powerful, and a complete badass. Thank you to the amazing Crowley Fire Department, Crowley EMT, and Texas State Troopers for their assistance. You were all hands off and respectful of the birth space we created in an unconventional way. We hope seeing that birth is SO normal that it can happen on the side of the road, even after a cesarean, with mom all smiles- your thoughts on out of hospital birth and midwives are positively affected. Congratulations J&S!! What a wild ride- literally! We could not be happier for your family. Baby Amilya is pure perfection. Powerhouse VBAC on the side of the highway perfectly sums up 2020, yeah? ❤️

Herbal bath for mom and baby
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A Midwife’s Guide to Nutrition During Pregnancy

A balanced diet is important to support good health throughout your life. However, when you become pregnant, a healthy diet is even more crucial. The foods that you consume are the baby’s primary source for nutrients. This is a Midwife’s Guide to Nutrition During Pregnancy. 

It may take a little bit of effort to eat healthy foods during your pregnancy, but the benefits to both you and the baby are well worth the trouble. If you are pregnant and you have not been maintaining a healthy diet, it is time to change your bad habits and do what is best for you and the developing baby.

Before you ever become pregnant is the best time to start eating all the right foods. When you practice a healthy diet before your pregnancy, you are laying the proper foundation to ensure that you and the baby will both have all of the important nutrients that you need to stay healthy. If you have plans to become pregnant, you should discuss nutrition with your health care provider.


Basic Nutrition

Even if you are not currently pregnant, your diet needs to include an adequate amount of carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, proteins, and fat. When you become pregnant, the amount of these nutrients that you need will increase.

A few of the most important nutrients include:
• Calcium to help baby build strong teeth and bones
• Iron to help red blood cells carry oxygen to baby
• Vitamin A to help baby form healthy eyesight and skin, in addition to aiding in bone growth
• Vitamin C to ensure baby’s teeth, gums, and bones are healthy; as well as helping your body with the absorption of iron
• Vitamin D to help baby build strong teeth and bones
• Vitamin B6 for the formation of red blood cells, which help the body use carbohydrates, fat, and protein
• Vitamin B12 is necessary for the formation of red blood cells and helps maintain the nervous system
• Folate is important in the production of protein and blood, in addition to helping with some enzyme function

Try eating a variety of different foods in the recommended amounts from basic food groups. This is the best way to make sure that you and baby are getting all of the important nutrients that you need in order to remain healthy throughout your surrogacy journey. 


Additional Nutrients

Once you become pregnant, it is important to increase the amount of folate and iron that you consume in your regular diet. In order to get the additional nutrients that you need during this crucial time, prenatal vitamins are recommended for most pregnant women.
Prenatal vitamins are supplements that contain the recommended daily amount of the vitamins and minerals that are necessary for a healthy pregnancy. This includes copper, zinc, minerals, folate, as well as vitamins A, C, and D. Your health care provider should be able to provide you with information specific to your needs, as taking some minerals and vitamins in excess may be harmful during pregnancy. In our Midwife’s Guide to Nutrition During a Surrogacy Pregnancy, we recommend a whole food based prenatal vitamin. Another key factor in maintaining good health during your pregnancy is water intake. We recommend drinking at least one gallon of water per day; and more during those hot summer months. Staying hydrated decreases swelling, constipation, urinary tract infections, and preterm labor. As well, it increases energy, aids in digestion, and softens the skin. If you are not currently drinking enough water, we suggest increasing your intake each week until you reach your goal amount.



Another key factor in maintaining good health during your pregnancy is water intake. We recommend drinking at least one gallon of water per day; and more during those hot summer months. Staying hydrated decreases swelling, constipation, urinary tract infections, and preterm labor. As well, it increases energy, aids in digestion, and softens the skin. If you are not currently drinking enough water, we suggest increasing your intake each week until you reach your goal amount. We find carrying an insulated water bottle with you is the best way to ensure you reach those water intake goals. 

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Doulas Rock!

I hired a midwife, do I really need a doula too?
Yes! Yes! Yes! Midwives and doulas play two different roles during birth. Having both makes for a well rounded birth team.
Here’s the thing, midwives are there to ensure you and baby are safe. Absolutely, they’ll hold your hand and say words of encouragement, but at the end of the day (or birth) their biggest priority is making sure baby and mom are healthy.
A doula, on the other hand is there for you. She’s trained in comfort measures. She knows all the things to do to make a mom feel comfortable and relaxed. She knows positions and “tricks” to help with pain management. She may use essential oils, massage, take a few photos, grab you food and water, engage dad in the birth….she may even fix your hair (if, like me, you have wild birth curls). Her only job is to be there for you. She’ll be like having your best friend, sister, or mother there. But, unlike most well meaning relatives, she’s extremely knowledgeable about birth.
Here’s another difference. In most cases your midwife will want to head to your house or have you come in to the birth center when you’re well in to active labor. And that’s when you’ll really want her there; when the action is happening! Problem is, many moms have long early labors. Early labors that feel a whole lot like active labor and you need more support. (I’m one of those moms!) That is when having a doula is so wonderful. She will bring a calming presence and “bag of tricks” that can actually help you get that sleep your midwife keeps telling you you need, but you can’t seem to get…. And, you do need that sleep. I promise. 🙂
As a doula, I’ve been asked, “if I have a doula does that mean my hubby won’t be involved?” The answer is no. Unless he wants to take a back seat and you and he have planned for that. A doula will either encourage and guide hubby in helping his wife through child birth or she will fill in for him, if wanted.
We’re blessed in DFW to not only have so many talented midwives, but to also have so many amazing doulas. You pair the two and you’ll have an awesome birth experience!!
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